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Farak - Aamir Naik & Atif Naik Lyrics

Farak - Aamir Naik & Atif Naik Lyrics

Singer Aamir Naik & Atif Naik
Singer Aamir Naik & Atif Naik
Music Aamir Naik & Atif Naik
Song Writer Aamir Naik


Rap song by Aamir Naik and Atif Naik
Bolo...Bolo kiya

Arey Tum toh pitcher plant bulate apne paas mai
Dilate ehsaas hame ki hum tumhare khaas hai,
Aur karte trap baad mai Yeh Meethi Baatein bol kai,
Aeey hum toh itny saadhe hai,
Aajaty sab k jhaanse mai,
Kartey hai hum start safar,
Shuru Shuru mai bolengy Duffer,
Taaney agr Suntey Rahe toh Reh jaaeyga yeh safar Toh Aamir reh jaayega yeh safar
Bolo ,,,, Bolo kiya....
Yaha paise ki hai keemat yaha paise se hai Bal, Paise Se Hai Bal
Yaha paise se he kal,,, Yaha paise se he kal,,,
Mahamari ka yeh kaal jo Buna hai MayaJaal,
Kaise hai yeh Rog aaya
Isne sab ko hai rulaya,,,,
Hai kesi muh maaya Hai kaise Kaali chaaya,,,,,Isse band karo Haan isse Band Karo......
Upar vaaly jodo haath,
Meei nahi hai Aukaat ki seh paavu isse,,,,,
Ase mushkil hai haalath
Bas rehna chahta saath mai,,,
Unko logu kai
Jinhune chalna sikhaya hame,,,,
Poori ho har har ichha jo mene kamaya,,,,,,
Mere har sapne ko apna banaya..
Haan Apna Banaya...


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