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Showing posts from July, 2023

Old School Sample Pack Free Download - Old School Hip Hop Sample Pack

Are you still looking for Old School Hip-Hop Sample Pack to download free. So now you do not need to search. Today we will give you free download it for free, so let's start. Old School Sample Pack - Free Download Old School Sample Pack Today many Songs sung on Old Skool Type Beat of rappers are being published. And it is also perfect for listening to because songs made from Old-School Samples have a 90s feel and modern vibes.  All Music Producer nowadays old school melody samples. We are making use of Beat because nowadays, Rappers also demand the same. Nowadays, Rappers and Artists easily give 100$ to 5000$ on average for this Old Skool Beat . Also Read: Indian Rap History 1992 to 2023 let me tell you, 90s Hip Hop Sample Pack of 90s to download free.  You must go to a website and enter your name and email id. Then you can easily download the Old-School Hip-Hop Drum Sample Pack for free. Then understand this very quickly. This page of this website But you have to go...

Krishnam Kumar Biography - Struggle, Early Life, Wiki

Whatever Krishnam Kumar has achieved today, he has earned it all because of his hard work and the love of the people.  Krishnam Kumar In today's time, many people are working hard, but after some time, they become unfortunate when they do not get success and do not reach their goals.  Forget about it and leave your work. So today we will talk about such a person for all those people, knowing whom you will also get motivated. Krishnam Kumar Biography, Struggle, Early Life Krishnam Kumar Biography For him, Krishnam Kumar is such an example, hearing about which person will be ready again that now I will work hard again and achieve my goal. Nowadays, people are unfortunate for not achieving success.  Also Read: Instagram Verification Apply Still, they need to learn that to become successful, One has to fail many times.  Without hard work, people think that successful people become successful quickly by doing some hard work, and we are not. Krishnam Kumar Early Life So ...

Dj Krav Biography - Girlfriend, Early Life, Struggle

DJ Krav , whose real name is Karanvir Pukhwal , is a musical artist who has had a passion for music since childhood.  Dj Krav Due to his dedication and hard work, he has made a name for himself in the industry. In this article, we will provide you with all the information about DJ Krav, including his biography and other interesting facts that you may not know. Dj Krav Biography DJ Krav has been interested in music for a long time, and he started playing music with his own hands even though he had no formal training in music. Dj Krav Biography He was able to create great rhythms that were appreciated by everyone. During his 10th class, his father gifted him a laptop, which marked a new chapter in his music journey.  Despite taking admission in Polytechnic, his love for music was so strong that he didn't feel like studying much. He discovered Virtual DJ software and learned FL Studio through YouTube videos, as Fl Studio courses were too expensive. After mastering the software. H...

Top 5 Free Music Distribution With Contant Id

Best Music Distribution या फिर Free Music Distribution India अगर आप यह सर्च करके थक गए हो तो निराश मत होइए आज में आपके लिए Best Distributors लेकर आया हूँ  जिसका उपयोग करके आप अपने गाने, रीमिक्स, LOFI या कवर सोंग को Spotify, Instagram, Apple Music, Wynk Music, Facebook, Hungama Music और भी कई 150 + म्यूजिक स्ट्रीमिंग प्लेटफार्म पर पब्लिश कर पाओगे  Free Music Distribution - Free Contant id - 150 + Stores Best Free Music Distribution आज कल बहूत से ऐसे आर्टिस्ट है जो अपना Song या रीमिक्स सोंग बना लेते है लेकिन वो अपना सोंग को सभी प्लेटफार्म पर Distribute नहीं कर पाते है  फिर जब वो किसी म्यूजिक लेबल से अपना सोंग को डिस्ट्रीब्यूट करवाते है तो उन्हें उनकी मेहनत के अनुसार Revenue नहीं मिलता है  लेकिन अब  किसी भी आर्टिस्ट को चिंता करने की जरूरत नहीं है हम आपको ऐसे 5 म्यूजिक डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन के बारे में बताने वाले है जिसके द्वारा आप अपना सोंग को 150 + से भी ज्यादा प्लेटफार्म पर डिस्ट्रीब्यूट कर पाओगे   साथ ही Contant id ले पाओगे और 90 + Revenue आपका होगा और साथ...

Kaki Singer Biography, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Income, Wiki

Hema Dangi (Born September 22, 2002), referred to expertly as Kaki Singer (Artist name), is an Indian artist lyricist and Performer. She was born into the world in Udaipur, Rajasthan , and sings English, Hindi, and  Punjabi tunes. As of September 2020, she has more than 300k followers on Instagram. Kaki Singer Early Life  Kaki Singer hails from Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. As of 2022, Kaki Singer's age is 19 years. This page will lighten the Kaki Singer bio, wiki, age, birthday, family subtleties, undertakings, sweetheart, discussions, position, stature, and weight. Kaki Singer Wiki Stage Name Kaki Singer Genuine Name Kaki Singer ( Hema Dangi ) Calling Songwriter, Birthday September 22, 2002 Age 19 years (As in 2022) Gender Female Birthplace Khemli, India Hometown Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Nationality Indian Food Habit Vegetarian Kaki Singer Family Parents Father: Ram Chandra Dangi Mother: Mamta Dangi Sibling(s) Brother(s): N/A Sister(s): Aruna Dangi Instruction and Qualifi...

Yo Yo Honey Singh Netflix Documentry and Album 3.0

Honey Singh is the name of the Indian Music Industry whose songs revolutionized the Indian Music Industry, and people remember the recent songs of Yo Yo Honey Singh . Album Honey 3.0 Release & Yo Yo Netflix Documentry Yo Yo Honey Singh Every small and big person will surely remember some or the other line of Honey Singh Paaji's old songs, and Honey Singh is that. The one who turned the Punjabi music industry towards hip hop, Honey Singh dropped his first album in 2011 called International Villager. I do not need to tell you how good the album was. This album changed the whole of Indian music. Then came a time when Honey Singh had also become the highest-paid singer in Bollywood. However, after his second album, Honey Singh disappeared from the music industry, and his health deteriorated. He made a comeback, and his music changed a lot. The old audience of Honey Singh also did not like that music. Also Read: Emiway Bantai Biography But on September 15, 2022, he announced his th...

गाना गाने के लिए Music कहां से ले ? जानिए हिंदी में

गाना गाने के लिए म्यूजिक कहां से लाए इसके बारे में आज हम आपको जानकारी देने वाले है क्योंकि जब कोई New Singer गाने बनाने का सोचता है तो उसका पहला सवाल यह ही होता है की Gana Banane Ke Liye Music Kahan Se Laye Gana Gane Ke Liye Music Kahan Se Le  जब से हमने Music Production और Singer पैसे कैसे कमाते इस तरह की पोस्ट हमारी वेबसाइट पर डाले हैं तब से लोगों के यह सवाल रहे हैं कि गाना गाने के लिए म्यूजिक कहां से लाए हम सिंगर हैं हम गाना अच्छा गा लेते हैं Gana Gane Ke Liye Music Chahiye लेकिन हमें म्यूजिक की आवश्यकता है कोई हमें फ्री म्यूजिक दिला दो या फिर हमें कोई ऐसा App बता दो जहां से हम म्यूजिक बना सके या फिर ऐसा कोई Music Producer बता दो जिससे हम अपने गाने के लिए म्यूजिक बनवा सके  तो आज के इस आर्टिकल में  आपको बताने वाला हूं कि आप अपने गाने के लिए म्यूजिक कहां से लाए तो चलिए शुरू करते हैं ज्यादा समय बर्बाद ना करते हुए अगर आप Music Production को सीख कर अपने खुद के लिए म्यूजिक बना सकते हैं  आप यूट्यूब लाइब्रेरी से भी ले सकते हैं  आप किसी म्यूजिक प्रोड्यूसर से अपने गान...

Me To Party Kar Rahi Thi Girl Name, Boyfriend, Networth

बहुत से लोगों जानना चाहते है की Me To Party Kar Rahi Thi Girl का नाम क्या है आज के समय में तो पार्टी कर रही थी सॉन्ग को बहुत सुना जा रहा है कुछ लोग इस गाने पर बनी Instagram Reel को देख कर मजाक बना रहे है तो कुछ लोग बहुत तारीफ भी कर रहे है  Me To Party Kar Rahi Thi Girl - Trapti Tomar तो चलिए में तो पार्टी कर रही थी गाना गाने वाली लड़की का नाम जान लेते है और इसके बारे में आपको बहुत सी जानकारी मिलने वाली है  Main To Party Kar Rahi Thi Girl Name Mei To Party Kar Rahi Thi Girl Name Trapti Tomar है उनका एक यूट्यूब चैनल भी है जिस पर लगभग 2.2 Million Subscriber है यह गाना 2 साल पहले 2021 में रिलीज हुआ था Me To So Rahi Thi Hindi Poem 4 Kids यह यूट्यूब चैनल खास कर बच्चों के लिए ही बनाया गया है इस चैनल का उद्देश्य केवल बच्चों के लिए कविता, कहानी और चुटकुले, गाने बनाना है ताकी बच्चों का मनोरंजन किया जा सके Also Read: Top 5 Haryanvi Female Singer Name   लेकिन बात जब यह गाना बहुत लोगों द्वारा पहले ही सुना जा चुका है लेकिन अभी के समय इस गाने का मजाक भी बहुत बनाया जा रहा है ऐसा इसलिए ...

Maal Piyenge Singer Name - Ashok Minj Biography

अभी के समय पर एक गाना बहुत ज्यादा वायरल हो रहा है उस गाने का नाम Maal Piyenge है जो की इंस्टाग्राम रील सहित कई सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफार्म पर वायरल हो रहा है और इसे बहुत ज्यादा पसंद भी किया जा रहा है Maal Piyenge Singer Name - Ashok Minj Biography आज के समय इस गाने की इतनी चर्चा हो रही है लेकिन अभी तक माल पियेंगे गाने के सिंगर के बारे में किसी को भी नहीं पता है तो चलिए आपको हम इस गाने के बारे में सारी जानकारी दे देते है और साथ ही Maal Piyenge Singer Name भी बताएंगे Source - Instagram (Ashok Minj) माल पियेंगे गाने के सिंगर का नाम Ashok Minj है अशोक मिंज ने अभी तक 30 से ज्यादा गाने बना दिए है लेकिन अभी के समय इनका गाना माल पियेंगे बहुत ही ज्यादा वायरल हो रहा है और पसंद भी किया जा रहा है  लेकिन कुछ लोग इस गाने का मजाक भी बना रहे है आपको बता दे इस गाने के वायरल होने का एक बड़ा कारण यह है इस गाने पर डांस विडियो बहुत ज्यादा मात्रा में बनाई जा रही है Also Read: Me To Party Kar Rahi Thi Girl Name  यह गाना Ashok Minj Production यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया है इनके चैनल पर करीब 1,40,...

Unchained Music Distribution Review (Full Guide)

Many people have asked us to features & how to use  Unchained Music Distribution and how it works, so that they can distribute their songs on all platforms. As you know, we have already discussed the Best Free Music Distribution Services, but due to many requests, we are sharing information about a new service. In this article, we will provide you with all the details of Unchained Music Distribution , its features, and review, so let's begin without delay. Unchained Music Distribution Review By using this music distribution service, you can distribute your songs on all music streaming platforms. The best part is that it is absolutely free for all types of artists and music labels. To use this service, you just need to visit its website, fill in your details, and create an account. After that, they are contacte through email. Unchained Music Distribution is unique in that it delivers your songs to 220+ streaming platforms, and also provides additional services like AI Mixing M...

Rapperiya Baalam Biography - Age, Girlfriend, Income

Rapperiya Baalam is a popular Rajasthani rapper, singer, and music composer. he was born in the Jaipur district of Rajasthan in 1992 and has gained recognition through his songs. Rapperiya Baalam His music talks a lot about Rajasthan, and he has not only made a name for himself but also given the state a distinct identity in the music industry. Today, we will share with you Rapperiya Baalam's Biography , his career and struggles, and provide information about him that is not widely available on the internet. So, let's begin. Rapperiya Baalam Biography Rapperiya Baalam was born in Jaipur, and he has gained recognition through his songs. Some of his popular songs include "Shoorveer," "Shoorveer 3," "Mharo Rajasthan," and "Jaipur Anthem." Rapperiya Baalam Instagram He has been passionate about writing songs since his childhood and learned to play the keyboard and piano before starting his own YouTube channel, Rapperiya Baalam . He decided ...