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Sammy Dulat: Rising Artist of Haryanvi Music - Biography

Sammy Dulat (Haryanvi Singer) Biography

Sammy Dulat
Sammy Dulat

Sammy Dulat, a multi-talented singer, composer, and lyricist, hails from Dulat District, Fatehabad, Haryana. With a deep-rooted passion for music, Sammy is making waves in the Haryanvi music scene with his unique blend of captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics.


Real Name Sahil Gour
Artist Name Sammy Dulat
Age 24
Date Of Birth 6/07/2000
Residence Haryana
Country India
Nationalty Indian
Passion Music
Religion Hindu
Birth Location Fatehabad

Early Life

Born and raised in the vibrant cultural landscape of Haryana, Sammy's journey into music began at a young age. Surrounded by the rich musical traditions of his region, he developed a deep appreciation for the art form, which would later shape his own musical endeavors.

Sammy Dulat Biography
Sammy Dulat Biography

Musical Career

Sammy's rise to prominence in the Haryanvi music industry has been nothing short of remarkable. With a string of hit songs under his belt, he has garnered a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim for his talent and creativity.

Also Read: Mukesh Jaji Biography

Signature Style

Known for his melodious voice and poetic lyricism, Sammy's music strikes a chord with listeners across generations. His songs, such as "Damru Ala Jaan Meri," "My Hood," "U'll Lose Me," "OG," and "Befikra," showcase his ability to seamlessly blend traditional Haryanvi influences with contemporary sounds.

Sammy Dulat Haryanvi Singer
Sammy Dulat Haryanvi Singer

Future Endeavors

As Sammy continues to evolve as an artist, he remains committed to pushing the boundaries of Haryanvi music. With new projects on the horizon, he is poised to solidify his status as a leading figure in the industry, captivating audiences with his soulful performances and heartfelt storytelling.

Social Profiles

Instagram Link
Facebook Link
Apple Music Link
Youtube Link
Spotify Link



In Sammy Dulat, we find not just a talented musician, but a storyteller whose songs resonate with the hearts and souls of his listeners. With each track, he invites us into his world, weaving tales of love, life, and everything in between. As he continues to make his mark on the music scene, one thing is clear: Sammy Dulat is a name to remember.

Also Read: Aman Jaji Biograhy


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